
Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween!

Hello, friends!  Happy Halloween to anyone who celebrates the holiday!  I am stopping by to share my final Halloween card as they have now all been mailed off to my little nieces and nephews.

I have loved Halloween ever since I was a child.  There is something so exciting about dressing up, walking around town as the darkness falls and the air cools and the leaves crunch beneath the feet of groups of excited kids going door-to-door!  Watching my own kids repeat this tradition made me happy, too!  Strange, this year none of my kids will be trick-or-treating and I have to admit I'm a bit sad to see it end.  Last year my husband and I wound up home alone on Halloween and practically knocked each other over to answer the door when tick-or-treaters rang the bell!  Ah, the stages of life.  

On to my last card for Halloween this year.  I am playing along with {PIN}spirational Challenges #177 because the cat and pumpkin reminded me of the stamp I used on my card.

This one-layer card uses an old Penny Black "Dressed to Scare" image and is paired with a Hero Arts sentiment; I colored the image with Copic markers before masking it and inking the sky with various distress inks.

I also spritzed the sky with Perfect Pearls mist for some detail.  Pretty cool effect in the right light!

I must say that it irks me to see the Christmas decorations up and out for several weeks now.  I went to the local bulk shopping store in early October and found aisles of Christmas trees, lights, wrapping paper, ornaments, and toys ready to go!  UGH! Too soon,  too soon.  Can we wait for Halloween and -- even more importantly -- Thanksgiving to arrive?  The materialism of Christmas in the US gets me down, and each year it arrives earlier and earlier.  Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas and I celebrate the birth of Christ...but I do not love the materialism and the fact that it gets pushed on us from every angle months in advance.

Maybe that's why I spend so much time celebrating the preceding holidays and posting cards for them?  Well, whatever the reason, I wish all those celebrating Halloween today a happy day filled with lots of treats and no tricks!    

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. Serious cuteness overload here today, Judy! Gorgeous coloring on that adorable kitty and I love that fabulous sky!!

  2. This is my favorite Halloween I've seen this year!! Awesome background, cute cat in the hat (haha!!) and a fun ballon. Love this!! I remember the feelings of what you're going through. But you have grandchildren to look forward to someday! Sweet P was adorable and had the best time trick or treating in our little neighborhood!!

  3. More than adorable, Judy!! You've created a fantastic background for this sweet image! I can just imagine a little one donning a hat like this and walking around. Sooo sweet. I can wait until after Thanksgiving for the Christmas stuff to be out, too. One holiday at a time please!! And since the kids and grandkids are well out of the trick-or-treat ages, Halloween has taken on a different flavor for me. I try to stay in the "Fall" activities at church where there are little ones all dressed up in fun costumes; it does help. Take care, sweet friend. Bev

  4. So sweet!!! Thanks so much for participating in our {PIN}SPIRATIONAL challenge. Hope you participate in our next challenge!! Have a happy crafty day!!!
    Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper


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